01 July 2010

Change up

There have been some big changes since my last post. Asya and I have split. It was a very difficult decision to make, but we have both moved on and found new partners. I just want to say that I respect Asya as a person, a player and a friend. I learned so much playing with her this season. She has played the game for a while now and definitely has a good understanding of the game tactics and has amazing ball control. There are no hard feelings as we continue to practice daily with our new partners under our head coach, Lennard.
My new partner is Kacie MacTavish. I'm really excited to train and compete with Kacie. Our first big event will be at the Corona Open in Vancouver (July 16-17).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristina!

    Thanks for coming to play in Vancouver... you guys did so well! I've got some pics up... more to come...


